Theme: Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces
Date: 10th September 2022
Venue: Ikirun and Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria
Participants: 78 Young people (age 17-40).
Period: 5 hours
1. Education is vital for human and community development. With education, the people have a sense of belongings and have the wherewithals to demand their rights from the government.
2. Young people in rural communities deserve better education for business innovation and good networking. Local initiatives and businesses can transform into national and international enterprises based on exposure and understanding. Improvement in local products facilitates human and economic development.
3. Education facilitates mutual understanding among the people to live a harmonious life.
4. Learning to know through education leads to learning to do. The possession of a higher degree certificate is not only for a paid job but to improve a person’s talents, technologically and business-wise.
5. Application of education to a person’s skill enhances outstanding achievement.
6. Education makes us knowledgeable and creative. We have broad knowledge through education, so it encourages curiosity and creativity.
7. Education promotes teamwork and team spirit. We learn to interact and live with people of different backgrounds.
8. Education teaches self-discipline. School teaching is different from home teaching. Therefore, morals and discipline are part of education. The fear of teachers and punishment for misbehaviour makes the students thoughtful and respectful. We learn to tolerate and respect the opinion of others.
9. Education promotes gender equality. In school, no discrimination among the students either in age or sex. Performance has no discrimination, so the girls lead in nearly every school activity. There is no sentiment in the class. Currently, females have a higher percentage in the education and business sectors, making them have priority in society.
10. Education introduces us to the modern way of living a better life. It enables us to know what is right and wrong.
11. Education builds confidence, leadership, and effective communication.