2024 SDGs Roundtable Discussion in New York: In the Margins of UNGA79

On September 24th, 2024, Rafiu Olaore, the Chief Executive Officer of YEDIS, actively participated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Roundtable Discussion arranged by the Journalists and Writers Foundation in New York City, USA.

The discussion was centered on two key themes: firstly, the Interfaith Contributions to SDGs Achievements, and secondly, the Civil Society Best Practices and Initiatives for the SDGs. The event, held in the Margins of the United Nations General Assembly, served as a platform for international delegations comprising civil society members, journalists, academics, experts, and human rights advocates attending the SDGs Conference 2024.

Its primary objective was to facilitate the exchange of expert opinions, ideas, and inclusive solutions concerning various development challenges and contemporary social, economic, and environmental issues.

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